The Terrain Model of Health + How You Can Create a Healthy Inner Terrain
One of the first questions I get when I talk with someone about my philosophy and approach to health is: What is Terrain Model?
This is likely a question you have, too, if you’re new to my website and/or interested in learning about health principles that guide my way of eating and living.
This post will help you understand the Terrain Model of Health, how it’s different than the traditional medical model, and specific steps you can take to create a clean, healthy, disease-free inner terrain in your body.
The Terrain Model of Health is a health approach based on science that recognizes the human body as an infinitely intelligent, self-sufficient organism capable of healing itself and functioning in superb order—completely free of disease—when the conditions of health are provided. The word “terrain” refers to the trillions of cells that make up your body.
Terrain Model is also referred to as Natural Hygiene and Life Science. Natural Hygiene may sound like an odd name for a health system, but the word hygiene actually means “science of health” and its longtime teachings have provided the foundation for people who follow and teach the Terrain Model of Health.
Natural Hygiene has a rich 200-year history pioneered in the 1800s by Dr. Isaac Jennings, Dr. John Tilden, Reverend Sylvester Graham, and Florence Nightingale. Natural Hygiene rose to prominence in the 1900s when Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, known as the father of the modern-day Natural Hygiene movement, wrote 40 books, opened a health school, published numerous magazine issues, led the American Natural Hygiene Society, and helped countless people suffering from disease regain their health the natural way. Dr. Shelton influenced many brilliant, dedicated, caring leaders who carried on the Natural Hygiene movement into the 21st century including Dr. T.C. Fry, Dr. Vivian Vetrano, Dr. Douglas Graham, Dr. Laurence Galant, Dr. Timothy Trader, Robert Sniadach, Loren Lockman, and Dr. David Klein.
Natural Hygiene can be thought of as the art and science of living healthfully in harmony with the laws of nature and our natural biological heritage as humans. Natural Hygiene embodies principles that guide us to health-promoting eating and living practices. It’s a health system that promotes cooperating with nature to allow our self-healing powers to fully express themselves, which then results in the body naturally detoxing, regenerating, rejuvenating, and achieving its highest level of health.
Terrain Model and Natural Hygiene are rooted in these fundamental truths:
The body is self-healing. We see this in many ways. Cuts and abrasions, bruises, and broken bones all heal on their own.
Health is the normal state of all living organisms and health is maintained through natural, self-initiating, self-healing processes.
There is one cause of all disease: TOXEMIA. Toxemia is the saturation of toxins at the cellular level of bodily tissues, blood, and fluids brought on by toxic living habits and depletion of nerve energy.
Symptoms created by the body are the body’s way of cleaning its cells and circulatory system of toxic materials that clog and create dysfunction. When your body creates mucus that you then cough up, this is an example of your body encasing toxins in the mucus and expelling it to help cleanse your cells.
When we experience symptoms, the body is fully capable of alleviating those symptoms on its own through fasting, returning to our natural diet, and living healthfully as long as disease hasn’t progressed too far.
We are natural beings designed to eat our natural diet and live a natural lifestyle in accordance with the laws of nature. Every species has a natural diet that’s appropriate for their anatomy, physiology, and aesthetic disposition (what they’re naturally attracted to). Humans are no different.
When we violate the laws of nature, such as when we consume unnatural foods for our body, we accumulate toxic buildup in the body and experience symptoms; these symptoms often build and build over time resulting in poor health and all manner of diseases.
Living in accordance with Terrain Model principles is personally empowering and liberating. It teaches us independence and rational action. It banishes fear and lack of understanding regarding human health and how the body works. Ultimately, it is about freedom.
Terrain Model is antithetic to the modern medical model.
Modern medicine is built around the false idea that harmful/contagious/deadly germs create symptoms/disease and, by taking/injecting unnatural substances that are toxins and poisons (pharmaceutical drugs), a person’s state of health will improve. Terrain Model refutes that falsehood and recognizes the truth about how our body works: Symptoms are brought on by a buildup of toxins beyond the body’s toleration point. This is predominantly done by eating unnatural foods and consuming toxic beverages.
Although this information can be difficult to reconcile with much of what people are taught throughout their lives, it is the truth. And it is self-evident when you study people who are in a state of vibrant health (no symptoms/no disease). As soon as we REMOVE THE CAUSE (toxemia from unnatural foods/substances) and restore conditions of health, the body heals over time and SYMPTOMS FADE AWAY.
There are thousands and thousands, if not millions, of stories of people who have done just that. I am one and you can read my story here. Many other great testimonials can be found by visiting the Terrain Model Facebook Group noted below in RESOURCES (I encourage you read about Lauren Whiteman’s story! Lauren is a knowledgeable, experienced moderator of the group).
It’s absolutely amazing what the body can heal—and how incredibly healthy and happy we can be—when we remove the causes of illness and provide the body with the optimal foods and lifestyle conditions for health.
Creating a healthy inner terrain is simple; it’s challenging at first, but it truly is simple. It’s about following this two-step approach:
1. Remove the causes of toxemia (toxemia being the one cause of all symptoms/disease).
2. Provide your body with the species-specific, natural foods your body is designed for and implement healthy lifestyle practices while also eliminating unhealthy ones.
Now, let’s take a look at many causes of toxemia:
Foods that are not natural and optimal for the body, which include meat, dairy, eggs, bread, pasta, processed foods, oils, salty foods, sugary foods, and fried foods
Alcohol consumption
Medications including pharmaceutical drugs, over-the-counter meds, and vaccines
Recreational drugs
Chemicals in household and personal products
Polluted/unclean air
Polluted/unclean water
Next, let’s explore healthy diet + lifestyle practices that help your body reverse symptoms, heal, and function at its best. This isn’t a full list, but here are some of the most important ones:
Eating a whole food, raw, low-fat, vegan, alkaline, properly-combined diet that consists of fruit (especially high-water fruits like melons and citrus), leafy greens (lots of lettuce!), and small amounts of nuts/seeds
Consuming plenty of clean, pure water to hydrate your cells and move waste/toxic matter out of your body
Breathing clean, fresh air
Fasting on a regular basis to give your body digestive rest and allow your body to use more energy for detoxification/healing; this includes intermittent fasting and short/long water fasts
Getting adequate quality sleep—this is vital as your body does its best healing/repair/rejuvenating during sleep
Exercising and moving your body every day
Exposing your skin and eyes to sunlight every day for a minimum of 15-20 minutes
Resting and relaxing periodically throughout the day (closed-eye rest is particularly beneficial)
Deep breathing multiple times during the day
Engaging in practices that help you maintain emotional poise (balance) including meditation and prayer
Living in a clean home that engenders peace, love, harmony, serenity, and tranquility
Developing a positive self-image and sense of worth; loving yourself completely at every stage of your life journey
Enjoying friendship and companionship with likeminded, positive, health-oriented people
Expressing love, gratitude, and appreciation to others
Giving to people and worthy causes who can benefit from what we can do to improve the lives of fellow humans and animal companions
People who closely follow the Terrain Model lifestyle enjoy so many amazing benefits that bring vibrant health, wellness, and abundance into their life. Here are some of the most life-changing:
Freedom from chronic illnesses/diseases including diabetes, digestive conditions, arthritis, asthma, migraines, heart disease, and cancer
Freedom from many other common illnesses/ailments including colds, flu bouts, sore throat, acne/skin conditions, backaches, headaches, constipation, indigestion, gout, allergies, and all of the “itises” such as sinusitis (anything “itis” is inflammation)
Freedom from the pain, stress, anguish, and astronomical cost that arises from illness/disease
Freedom from the need or desire for doctors, hospitals, medications, and outside interventions for health/healing
Increased energy and vitality; energy levels jump significantly allowing you to do more in work/recreational activities and feel energized
Excellent mental clarity; thinking is clearer, sharper and more focused with an ability to be more precise and confident in your judgments and assessments
Losing weight/gaining weight (if needed) to arrive at a healthy weight without the need for counting calories or dieting
Reduction of the typical signs of aging including wrinkles, sagging skin, and thinning hair; many people look and feel years younger (sometimes decades younger!)
Feeling calm, balanced, and better able to handle stresses of daily life
Improved quality of sleep; ability to sleep more soundly/deeply
Improved productivity/performance at your job or in your business, which can lead to increasing your income considerably
Clear, beautiful, radiant, and glowing skin
Dropping the need for deodorants/other personal care products (as the terrain becomes clean, deodorant isn’t needed)
Feeling positive about life and grateful for all of life’s gifts
Enjoying newfound strength, stamina, vigor, and vitality
Extra time available for exciting life pursuits and simply doing more of what you love to do—time otherwise spent on enduring the doctor visits, treatments, hospital visits, surgeries, pain, anxiety, and depression that accompanies illness/disease
Saving considerable money (thousands of dollars every year for many) by spending far less on unnatural/harmful foods and beverages, personal/household products, not needing medical care/medications, insurance, not going out to eat as frequently, and much more
Living a longer, healthier, happier life free of the typical painful, debilitating diseases that plague many people as they age
Now, keep this in mind:
It’s not all or nothing!
Depending on how strict one follows Terrain Model, levels of health are achieved. There’s definitely a spectrum. You don’t have to follow it 100% to achieve higher levels of health and vitality.
Many people begin slowly and gradually work their way up to following it to around 70-80%. From there, many people go on to follow it close to or at 100% because, by then, they are thriving, they feel better than they’ve ever felt, their bodies naturally crave cleaner/optimal foods, and they’re quite motivated by the health progress they’ve made.
Rest assured that any improvements you make will benefit your health. But, of course, the more you eat foods your body is designed for—foods that digest easily and provide the best fuel for your body—and live a lifestyle that supports health, the greater health gains you’ll experience.
Also keep in mind that, depending on the damage that’s been done in the body from prior unnatural foods/lifestyle habits, some health conditions may not be able to heal entirely. But, one thing is for sure: Your body will heal best at whatever level it can when you closely follow the Terrain Model lifestyle.
If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed taking all of this in, I encourage you to simply relax and give yourself some time to think, do some more reading/research (if you’re finding all of this interesting), and decide if you’re feeling ready to transition into this diet/lifestyle.
If you’re feeling inspired and motivated to begin doing some transitioning of your diet/lifestyle now, that is fantastic! There’s no greater and more worthwhile pursuit than improving your health. And, if you’re looking for some personal help, I offer health consultations, personal coaching, group coaching, and accountability coaching.
Learn more about how you can work with me here.
Jen Tremonti Health + Wellness
Terrain Model Refutes Germ Theory
Facebook Group